Launch of the second START2ACT E-learning module: Energy Efficiency at Home

Launch of the second START2ACT E-learning module: Energy Efficiency at Home

Did you know that you can START2ACT at home too?

While START2ACT aspires for behavioural changes in terms of energy efficiency at the premises of young SMEs and startups, we believe that an energy saving culture can be applied at home as well.

That is why one of the modules of the START2ACT E-learning covers energy efficient practices at home.

Our experts share useful tips and suggestions how you can save energy both in winter and summer and lower utility bills for your household.

After you complete the module, you can assess your knowledge by taking our quiz.

If you pass the quiz threshold, you will receive a personal START2ACT E-learning Certificate. You can always retake the quiz, if you would like to improve your results.

Register here and START2ACT! Don’t forget to check another E-learning module on energy efficiency at work!


Tip dne
Má váš bojler časovač? Bojler je jako 10 hrnců neustále se vařících na plotně, a bez časovače je to tak cely den, celou noc, cely rok!

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