Employee Engagement Examples and Campaign Ideas

Employee engagement examples and campaign ideas

So, how do you motivate employees even further to improve energy efficiency in the workplace? Small Business Trends’ Anita Campbell offers these five tips to engage your employees in ways to lower your energy bill in the office:

5 employee engagement ideas to help create an energy efficient workplace

  1. Adopt a slogan about saving energy in the workplace. Campbell tells a story to illustrate the potential effectiveness of a slogan and a few simple posters. In a former corporate job, her company had some issues with punctuality. “We got some posters that read ‘We can’t be great if we’re late’ and put them near the coffee machines and water coolers and other places around the office,” she says. “It was amazing the impact just having that slogan posted around had. It really drove home that promptness is important.” Campbell suggests creating similar posters and slogans about key energy savings tips for the workplace. “Make it your own,” she says. “Try to get everyone caught up in the sense that it’s important.”

  2. Convey that saving energy in the workplace can be fun. People love games, Campbell says. Employees also love taking a break from the daily routine. She suggests taking time out of the work day periodically — perhaps once a quarter — to create a game around how employees can save energy at work. “Have a scavenger hunt every so often,” she suggests. “Everyone takes an hour to search for something where the business is leaking energy — a leaking faucet, computers that stay on too long, a leaking toilet. Give prizes. The idea is to make it fun.”
    Pro tip: Everyone loves free food! Anita suggests to “Maybe order in a pizza” to help people get excited for any of these employee engagement examples.

  3. Ask for solutions for how employees can save energy at work. “Have a brainstorm session. Ask, what are your suggestions for how to save energy and reduce our carbon footprint?” Campbell says. “You’d be surprised. Everybody thinks differently. I guarantee someone has thought of something no one else has thought of.” Doing a brainstorming session openly rather than through a suggestion box makes it clear this is a company priority and offers an opportunity, Campbell says, to publicly praise someone with a good idea. “Then that person is a hero,” she says. “Give him an attaboy.”

  4. Create team projects that make employees responsible for coming up with ways to improve energy efficiency in the workplace. One group, for instance, could be put in charge of monitoring utility bills and then offering suggestions for ways to reduce them, Campbell offers as an example. The person or group in charge of ordering office supplies could be told to add sustainability as one of the considerations in ordering office supplies. “Instead of ordering Styrofoam coffee cups, everyone might bring in his own mug,” she says. “[The point is to] make it part of their job.”
    Pro tip: This concept is a variation, Campbell says, on that tried-and-true business adage: inspect what you expect. “As a small business owner, you want to inspect what you expect from your people. What you’re telling them [by adding energy savings tips in the workplace to their job description] is this is important to us and the company. We’d like you to be the watchdog of this, the steward for the company.”

  5. Give awards and invest in bonus programs. Add “being a good workplace environmental steward” as a criteria to existing employee of month awards and bonus programs, Campbell says, or create a new award to celebrate employees who help meet certain energy conservation goals. “It’s a signal to the company that this is important,” she says.

Using these and other employee engagement ideas in the office can help save energy in the workplace while retaining great team members. Who knew you could lower your small business energy bill while also engaging employees with fun, sustainable business practices that align with your company’s values?

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