Energy Conscious Startup Mentoring at the Budapest Startup Safari

Energy Conscious Startup Mentoring at the Budapest Startup Safari

The START2ACT workshop on the 18th April 2019 under the topic "Environmental sustainability makes business sense, how can energy and resource efficiency help your business succeed?" was integrated in this year's Budapest Startup Safari.

We discussed the importance of a conscious use of energy and resources in our every-day operations at work and at home. Moreover, the participants learned simple tips for energy efficiency as well as the process of establishing a company with an energy- and resource consious mind-set.


Based on this information, the participants formed three groups and indentified options for energy efficiency and behaviour change solutions in their specific situations. The teams came up with great efficiency possibilities, some examples were:

  • Purchasing water bottles for all employees at a company could help reduce the amount of used glasses/mugs and reduce dish-washing cycles.
  • At home, a saving possibility can be to cook meals that require less preparation steps and cooking time.
Left: Team work sheet from one of the 3 groups. Results of energy efficiency options in their chosen situation.


All in all, the 11 participants (from startups, larger organisations and students) where enthusiastic in changing not only their own behaviour but also impact their colleagues towards more conscious every-day patterns regarding the consumption of energy and other resources.




Tip dne
Přeneste své IT do cloudu! Menší společnosti mohou tímto ušetřit až 90% energie.

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